Educate. Integrate. Mobilise.

Natalie Simmons
May 2, 2023

In our January article we talked about the importance of your people and how critical it is to attract, nurture, empower and obviously retain them. Empowering them will have a very significant impact on how they buy into your company vision, mission, values and purpose. We have lots of sayings around the Barefoot Citizens Consulting office these days, but this is one of my favourites - 

Purpose Drives People.      

People Build Communities.       

Communities Change The World.

And this saying has provided us with the proverbial ‘fire in our belly’, inspiring us to create our learning and development modules.

Some organisations are doing great work, making great strides towards the implementation of their Sustainability or ESG strategies. Others have great strategies and are facing the first - and most significant - hurdle: how to start. Our L&D modules apply to both. Whether your company needs a kickstart, or a boost to momentum, the modules work hard to get your people on board. There are three important stages.



Purpose is not an afterthought or a tick box. As an organisation, your Purpose is your reason for being. This is why we believe businesses need to integrate Purpose into the everyday. 

To make this easier, we have built our L&D modules to be customised and fully integrated into your current LMS provider. They are compatible with most platforms.Enabling you to include these easily into your people’s learning pathways, making Purpose training part of the way of doing business. If you don’t currently have an LMS provider, no problem - we will offer your people an online version, complete with reporting and engagement insights.  

You may already have a system working quite well - lunch and learns, online training, virtual workshops. Or, you might be starting from scratch. Wherever you are on this journey, we can integrate, simply, quickly and effectively.


The most important part of this stage is ensuring that your people connect to the learning. Contextualising the ‘Why’ inside of their working life is par for the course. Empathy is a very powerful motivator.

This part of the course covers:

  • An introduction to sustainability and what it really means
  • A tailored approach to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) & ESG action 
  • Greenwashing in all its forms 
  • Realising the personal call to action 


Actions speak louder than words and engagement reaches its peak when your people are actually doing what they’ve been learning about together. Giving your teams agency to take what they’ve learned and implement it in the workplace is what the CoLab is all about.

This phase looks at:

  • Bringing personal accountability to the table
  • Empowering your people
  • Momentum: The significance of one person’s contribution 

A Growing List of Courses 

The more companies that we come into contact with, the more we realise that there are so many topics, issues and opportunities for The Purpose CoLab. There are many in development. Today we focus on the following courses:


Participants of this course will come to understand the benefits of a purpose-driven strategy, gain deeper insight into the UN Sustainable Development goals and be empowered to develop ideas that have genuine impact.

Modern Slavery (Launching June 2023)

Learners who undertake this course gain a working knowledge of modern slavery in all its forms. They are equipped to recognise modern slavery in supply chains and business operations and are, importantly, prepared to respond.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (Launching June 2023)

This course covers unconscious bias, inclusivity, and workplace culture. Your people will engage with the content and learn how to prevent unconscious bias, inequity and lack of diversity.

At Barefoot Citizens Consulting we know your organisation needs to attract and retain the best people. Being able to not just say, but prove, that you are committed to developing that talent’s involvement in your ESG policy is a major advantage. We know that giving your people agency to drive company Purpose needs to be kickstarted by a learning and development program that works with your current culture and systems. 

Let’s talk L&D, today.